Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lead or Get Out of the Way

Goldman Sachs and the rest of the gang of criminals are not going to know what hit them. Their arrogance, greed, gross manipulation of politicians and government officials is finally reaching critical mass.

It is becoming a "cause celebre" with the Main Street Media. Blankfein's "God's Work" comment is right up there with John Lennon's "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus." remark. It really doesn't matter if it was taken out of context or not. Its arrogance rings too close to the truth. The damage is done.

Outlandish bonuses, unconscionable financial policies and unadulterated arrogance are turning individuals from all walks of life against the investment banking elitism.

Folks who never wanted to know or understand the intricacies of investment banking regulation and the risks of Too Big To Fail banks and hedge funds are beginning to understand how America has been fleeced, who is responsible and why we will risk even worse crashes in the future if something drastic is not done to change the present fraudulent and corrupt system.

A collective realization is developing that nobody is safe as long as the banking system continues to operate in its present form. It is rapidly creeping into the psyches of the ordinary man that something is not right when a bank borrows money for free, charges its customers 30% and our leaders in Washington look the other way. How can they get away with it unless everyone is on the take?

Ordinary folks clearly understand that Goldman Sachs and the other Big Bankers do not help the economy to grow. It doesn't take a genius to understand that one when both bank bonuses and unemployment rates are at all time highs.

While our President and his advisors may not have the courage to go up against the bankers, some of his strongest supporters apparently do. Robert Reich, Arianna Huffington, Maurine Dowd, more everyday are reaching a point of disgust. Perhaps they see the decay within our governmental institutions, the corruption of our officials and the decline in values in our society that banker's greed, money and lobbyists have wrought.

Obama may prove to be too timid to go up against the rich and power folks who hold his purse strings. He may elect to get out of the way and let others lead. Vote "Present". A tragedy because he could have been a contender. He could have been (and still might become) the leader who takes this nation to a higher moral ground. Instead he is proving to be perhaps just another in a long line of Chicago politicians who works the system.

Watch out because the steamroller is gathering momentum. Next you will observe politicians clamoring to get on board, stating that they have supported the break up the big banks all along. They will be calling Geithner up to the Hill and make a public display of castigating him for his obvious failings and lack of courage.

Its going to happen. I can feel the momentum growing.

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